Big Yellow School Bus

September 28, 2018

Me in a big yellow school bus

I posted this picture on Facebook on Monday and I thought it might be time to update everyone on the life of a freshly licensed school bus driver.

For my non-U.S. readers, this is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, but the "big yellow" part will likely mean nothing to you. School buses are not unusual in other parts of the world, nor in Britain. The biggest difference is that U.S. school buses are bright yellow (well, technically they are Federal standard "National School Bus Glossy Yellow" and there is an interesting YouTube video here if you want more explanation.)

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The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 1

September 16, 2018

##Chapter 1

1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: 3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

There seems to be near universal agreement that Acts was written by Luke and even that this is the same Luke who wrote the eponymous gospel. Seeing how easily biblical scholars can disagree on even the smallest details, we should enjoy and relish this small miracle.

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Geese at Echo Veterans Memorial Park in Burlington

September 15, 2018

Geese at Echo Veterans Memorial Park in Burlington

Taken with a 4MP Olympus C4040Z.

During the same visit to the park that produced the previous picture, I saw this scene and liked it, so I captured it.

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The International Standard Cup of Tea

September 11, 2018

I must admit that I was previously unaware that there was such a thing as an international cup of tea. I should have suspected that one would exist, after all, how do you measure the nutritional components of tea if you don't have a standardized serving size and repeatable procedure for making it?

Many thanks to Tom Scott, who I first came across on the Numberphile YouTube channel. He has researched the process, purchased the equipment and bravely set out to make said cup of internationally standard tea.

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Tree at Echo Veterans Memorial Park in Burlington

September 4, 2018

Tree at Echo Veterans Memorial Park in Burlington

Taken with a 4MP Olympus C4040Z.

A fun shot of a tree at Echo Veterans Memorial Park in Burlington, WI. I was at the park with my family and in-laws. We were at the park getting some fresh air and taking some family pictures, hence I had my camera with me.

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