Cover Song - Learning To Fly performed by William Shatner
Learning to Fly has always been a hauntingly beautiful track from Pink Floyd and when you add in William Shatner's distinctive voice, acting the lyrics instead of singing them, you end up with a fun cover track.
Continue reading →Sunset in Iowa County
A classic from 2002. Taken with a 4MP Olympus C4040Z on the way home from an afternoon drive. I saw the scene in my rearview mirror first and stopped to take this picture. I loved the way that the sunset was backlighting the trees and silhouetting the farm buildings.
Continue reading →Acts 4:7 - By what name?
And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?
Acts 4:7
I love the fact that the askers of this question have a clear understanding of the correlation between power and names. A miracle had been performed and was making them look bad, so something had to be done. They couldn't deny the miracle, as it took place in front of plenty of witnesses. It also didn't help that the healed man insisted on being excited about it in the middle of the busy temple. They needed to find out how this was done if they were going to figure out what to do about it.
The religious leadership in Jerusalem was still upset about that whole "Jesus thing" and the two disciples of Jesus performing a miracle and then preaching about him in the temple annoyed them greatly. They had the men arrested by the captain of the temple and thrown into captivity overnight. That should cool their enthusiasm for talking about Jesus! The next morning everyone important, and everyone who thought they were important, met at the temple for the show trial. It wasn't going to be a real trial for two reasons, first the Romans currently occupying their land would not allow any death penalty judgments and secondly, there was no way that innocence was going to be permitted to be an outcome. This was the religious leadership of the Jews flexing what authority muscle the Romans still permitted them. Peter and John were going to be dressed down, no doubt about it.
Continue reading →Turbines In The Fields
A classic from 2002. Taken with a 4MP Olympus C4040Z on a Saturday afternoon in January.
This is from the same photo outing as the picture of Platteville Mound.
Continue reading →The View Towards Platteville Mound
A classic from 2002. Taken with a 4MP Olympus C4040Z on a Saturday afternoon in January. As I recall, my wife and I had decided that the sunshine and unseasonably warm day was too wonderful to resist, so we decided to take a drive.
We ended up in Montfort as I wanted to take pictures of the wind turbine towers that stretch along the highway outside of town. On one of our stops so I could take a few more pictures, I noticed this wonderful view. Not a single tower in frame, but it was just so perfect with the road stretching out towards the Platteville mound on the horizon.
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