March 11, 2018

Sunrise from Dodgeville Hospital

Sunrise from Dodgeville Hospital

Taken with a 4MP Olympus C4040Z. This was the view that greeted me when I left Dodgeville Hospital the morning after the birth of our second child, Kate. She had been born the evening before. I'd taken lots of pictures and was scurrying home to upload pictures for my parents to see back in England. This was in 2002 and the layout of the hospital was different. The primary entrance for those going in or out of the maternity ward was at the back of the hospital and it overlooked a wonderful scene of rolling farmland. On this particular morning my timing was perfect and as I looked up after walking through the doors, I saw a most amazing sunrise. I had my camera in my hand, lifted it up, took a single picture and then continued on home to download pictures of Kate. It wasn't until later that I looked at the picture and loved it as soon as I saw it. Perhaps not the best composition I could have made, although looking at it now, I got most of the basics right, but certainly a picture with lots of meaning and memories for me.

A larger version is available

Picture is Copyright (c) 2002 by Simon P. Chappell

Tags: Photography