September 23, 2024

Pastoral Observations 3

"Pastor, I just feel that I'm not being fed." This is always a fun thing to be told by a member of your congregation. All that studying and sermon preparation wasted. The first time I had someone tell me this, I was distraught and blamed myself until I realised, looking back, that the issue was that I wasn't preaching what they wanted me to preach. Not going to name any names, but one family were preppers and were offended that I wasn't using the pulpit to warn the congregation that martial law was going to be declared imminently, and certainly in less than two years and that everyone should start preparing by stockpiling food and ammunition. They even had YouTube videos of other people saying the same things, so how could I not believe them? I was such a bad person, how could they in good conscience stay under my ministry any longer?

Well, that was about ten years ago as I write this, so we are overdue for martial law and the government taking away our rights using extreme force by at least eight years. While I am aware that these days the average lifespan of a conspiracy theory is somewhere in the region of six months before it's proven true, not every conspiracy theory is automatically true.

What is true, is that no matter who is or isn't the president of the United States (or is or isn't the leader of any other country) the Lord is still on his throne and in charge of the universe. The Lord's will and his plans are unable to be thwarted by any enemy. Satan may steal away individuals from the Kingdom of God, but the Church is going to be triumphant and every plan and minion of the devil is going to be defeated. Therefore, we are better served receiving the teaching of the scriptures regardless of whether we like them rather than listening to teachers of conspiracy theories. If your pastor is preaching straight out of the scriptures, clearly teaching that Jesus is good and sin is bad, then your obligation is to receive that spiritual food and not put yourself on a spiritual hunger strike.

Tags: Pastoral Observations Thoughts (Hopefully Spiritual)